Why Digital Marketing?

What Is Digital Marketing?

How the heck is it already 2022? I swear it was just 1998. People keep talking about digital marketing and I don’t know what that is. Facebooking? The Twittering? What is Digital Marketing? Why do people keep talking about it?

The cool thing about living in 2022 is the advantages that we have with the internet. Everything in our world has changed, including the way that we market our businesses. Before, people used to rely on traditional marketing efforts. Like AAA for example. Did you know that AAA named their company AAA so they would be the first company to show up in the yellow pages?? Smart. Does that work for me today? Nope.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t cool clever ways that we can get your business out there for people to find. In fact, Digital Marketing is more effective and allows you to get more qualified leads to your website. Say what?????

What Is Traditional Marketing?

What is this traditional Marketing you speak of, boy?

Traditional Marketing is the old school way of getting your business out there. We’re talking billboards, bus bench ads, flyers, networking at social events. Ya know, the traditional way you marketed your business.

Isn’t that still effective?

Well, I mean anything is better than nothing. BUT! What if I told you that you could spend your marketing money smarter? What if we could get you customers that were actually looking for what you were selling?

What Are The Advantages of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing my dudes.

What is it? You still haven’t told me!

Digital Marketing is a way to set up campaigns for people who are looking for your product, goods, or services. Think about how you go about buying a product now. Do you just waltz in Home Depot looking for a wax ring when you need to replace a toilet? Or do you do a Google Search?

Think about when you are looking for a haircut. Do You just mosey on down main street looking for a barber? Or do you do a Google Search?

Now that we have the internet at the tips of our fingers, we are able to find business and services for the things that we need. We are so keen to search the internet for the best prices, best reviews, closest locations, etc.


So, how can you help me with this?

It’s easy. We have this amazing marketing strategy that has helped so many business. It comes with analyzing data, setting up ad campaigns for your target audience, keyword research, A/B landing page testing. It’s all about learning how your customers are searching for your services, and then attacking.

Wow. That’s the coolest thing I have ever heard of. You’re telling me, that I can spend my marketing money on people who are INTENTIONALLY SEARCHING for what I have to offer, rather than putting up a billboard on the highway hoping that someone will remember my company as they’re driving 80mph down the road?

Interesting…. How can I get started?

Let’s Get Started!

I don’t know if you know this but we’re Digital Marketers. We have over 10 years experience in helping a wide variety of niches and helping them get more leads and customers. We are here to do the same for you!

See what we have to offer and what our pricing is here. Contact us today for a free quote on your digital marketing strategy!